Los Angeles truck accident lawyerIf you are injured in a truck accident, in your injured, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. If you are hurt, you should seek medical attention right away.

If possible, before you call your insurance company, you should consult with a Los Angeles Truck Accident personal injury law firm such as The Law Office of Norman Gregory Fernandez as soon as possible.

An expert truck accident attorney such as Attorney Fernandez can, if retained promptly, communicate with your insurance company, and the defendant’s insurance company for you, while you handle getting medical treatment.

Call The Law Office of Norman Gregory Fernandez handle communicating with your insurance company, and the defendant’s insurance company and work with its adjusters to get your property damage and bodily injury damage handled.

Above all, it is important to avoid talking to the other driver’s insurance company and weigh your attorney’s advice before signing anything. Remember, the other driver is likely to be at fault for the accident, and your lawyer can help you establish the true extent of the injuries.

Next, talk to your attorney about damages. You may be able to receive compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. You may also be able to receive a settlement for pain and suffering, or a reduction in the quality of life. You may be able to collect evidence that shows that you have suffered significant loss. You may also be entitled to punitive damages, which aim to punish the other driver for egregious conduct.

Take photographs of the scene and the vehicles involved in the accident. Get the contact information of any witnesses. Gather the insurance information and the license plate numbers of all the cars. If possible, take pictures of the scene and other cars involved in the accident. You should also note the weather and road conditions, which could impact the accident. If the other party’s vehicle has been towed, take photos of it.

Afterward, wait for the police to arrive and exchange insurance information with them. The police will provide a traffic collision report to prove that the accident was not your fault. It is also helpful to get the contact information of the other driver and copy their license number and insurance card. The police report will help you establish a case if you need to. If you are the cause of the accident, you must file a claim for compensation.

If the other driver is at fault, you should try to contact the driver of the other car. Make sure you get their contact information, insurance provider and CDL number. Do not admit fault and wait for the police to do so. If you are injured in a truck accident, talk to the truck driver. If they agree to talk to you, ask for the insurance card. It is better to have it on hand than to have to call them.

When it comes to the legal process, it is essential to remain calm and do not make any statements that can be interpreted as implying fault. It is important to take the time to write down the facts of the accident and collect witness information. In some cases, a witness may be able to provide a written statement or contact information of the other driver. After the police have investigated the accident, you can file a claim through your attorney against the at-fault driver’s insurer or file a lawsuit against the other driver’s insurer.

If you have been in the trucks accident in Los Angeles California, or anywhere in California call The Law Office of Norman Gregory Fernandez on their 24 hour accident hotline at 800-816-1529 extension 0 to discuss your case

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