Attorney for Traffic Accidents in California

California Traffic Accidents involve any motor vehicle on the road, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, SUVs, minivans, etc., and can pose a significant threat to you and your family. In the vast majority of cases, if you were not at fault in a car accident, we can get your car repaired, get you a rental car, get you medical treatment, and get you substantial compensation for your injuries. Call us immediately following the car accident. 800-816-1529

Attorney for Traffic Accidents in California

Traffic accidents can result in serious injuries and the total loss of your vehicle. It is crucial that you select the appropriate attorney to represent you. We are available to you.

According to the Office of Traffic Safety, each day in California there are over 750 traffic accidents. Nearly ten of them are lethal.

The resulting injuries and deaths can cause families not only physical and emotional suffering, but also financial hardship as they struggle to pay for hospital bills, physical therapy, psychological counseling, and other services necessary to return to normalcy. Severe injuries to the spine or brain may necessitate the use of wheelchairs, home renovations, in-home traffic, hospitalization, or supervised living.

Are you in this circumstance? The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates can assist you with your personal injury claim in California. We can conduct a thorough evaluation of your situation, investigate the accident, and determine which parties are liable for paying your medical bills and helping you recover. In cases of permanent injury, we can seek compensation to restore you to the greatest extent possible of your independence. Call us today for a free evaluation of your case at 800-816-1529 ext. 1.

We have assisted many others similar to you.

We have obtained millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients over the past 25 years.

While each case is unique and past results are not indicative of future outcomes, you can rest assured that the personal injury team at The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates is committed to achieving the best possible outcome for each client.

Injured in a collision? Obtain a true trial attorney. Get Norman.


There are numerous causes for traffic accidents.

Although some of these causes, such as inclement weather, are beyond human control, the majority of accidents are caused by human error or driver negligence. During nighttime hours, when there is less visibility, a higher likelihood of alcohol impairment, and a higher likelihood of driver fatigue due to the body’s natural nighttime sleep cycle, traffic accidents are more prevalent. Among the most frequent causes of traffic accidents in California and across the country are:

  • Speeding was the leading cause of traffic accidents in one small California city in 2016, accounting for 2,245 collisions resulting in fatalities or injuries. According to the National Traffic Safety Administration, more than a quarter of all traffic-related fatalities are caused by excessive speed. Speeding reduces the driver’s ability to control the vehicle, increases the stopping distance after the driver detects a hazard, exacerbates the severity of a collision, and reduces the effectiveness of the vehicle’s safety equipment.
  • Alcohol was a factor in more than 1,000 fatal or injury-causing traffic accidents in one small California city in 2016, including 45 accidents involving drivers younger than 21 years old. According to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, alcohol impairment contributes to nearly one-third of traffic fatalities. Intoxicated driving resulted in the deaths of 10,874 people in the United States in 2017.
  • Distracted driving: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately nine people are killed and one thousand are injured daily in crashes involving a distracted driver in the United States. Distractions while driving are defined as anything that takes the driver’s eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, or mind off the task of driving. Some distractions, like texting, accomplish all three. In fact, in the five seconds it takes a 55-mph driver to read or respond to a text message, he or she has traveled the length of a football field while being distracted visually, manually, and cognitively.
  • Fatigued driving: According to the National Safety Council, nearly half of all U.S. drivers regularly get behind the wheel while feeling tired, and 20% say they have fallen asleep at the wheel within the past year. Each year, distracted driving is reported as a factor in approximately 100,000 collisions, resulting in approximately 71,000 injuries and 1,550 fatalities. Drivers who are drowsy are three times more likely to cause an accident.
  • Aggressive driving: According to the Insurance Information Institute, aggressive driving may contribute to more than half of the nation’s annual traffic accidents. Aggressive driving is defined as the commission of multiple moving traffic violations with the intent to injure others or their property. Aggressive driving includes following too closely, improper, or erratic lane changes, illegal driving on the shoulder, in a ditch, on the median, or on the sidewalk, improper passing, failing to yield the right-of-way or obey traffic control devices, failing to signal, speeding, racing, and making an improper turn.


In the same way that there are numerous causes for traffic accidents, there are also numerous ways in which they can occur. Here are some of the most frequent collisions involving multiple vehicles:

  • Rollover: Rollover accidents are especially dangerous for the occupants of a vehicle. While this type of accident accounts for a small percentage of total accidents in the United States, it is responsible for nearly 35 percent of traffic-related fatalities. The majority of those killed in rollover accidents are ejected from the vehicle because they were not wearing seat belts.
  • Rear-end collisions are frequently considered “minor” accidents, but some are anything but. This is the most frequent type of collision between two vehicles, and it occurs when one vehicle follows another too closely. The vehicle in front slows down or stops, while the vehicle behind it continues to move at full speed. In addition to tailgating (following too closely), rear-end collisions are typically caused when the driver of the vehicle in the rear is not paying attention to the traffic in front of him or her. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, approximately 1,700 people per year are killed in rear-end collisions.
  • Side-impact collisions, also known as broadside or T-bone collisions, account for approximately one-fourth of all passenger vehicle occupant fatalities. In side-impact collisions, the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle. Frequently, occupants seated on the side of the vehicle that was struck sustain severe injuries. This type of collision typically occurs when one driver fails to yield the right-of-way to another at an intersection.
  • Head-on collision: Although head-on collisions account for only about 2% of all traffic accidents in the United States each year, they account for about 10% of all traffic fatalities, making them a particularly deadly type of accident. Head-on collisions, also known as frontal impact collisions, involve the collision of two vehicles traveling in opposite directions. Part of what makes a head-on collision so dangerous is the velocity of both vehicles when they collide, as well as the velocity with which they change direction. Head-on collisions are common on rural two-lane highways where vehicles must travel in the opposing traffic lane to pass and on winding roads where drivers cannot see if another vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction. These accidents are also caused by wrong-way drivers or drivers who leave their lane of travel due to an accident, cross the median, and enter the opposing lane.
  • Pileups: Although relatively uncommon, multi-vehicle collisions, also known as pileups, frequently attract media attention due to the number of vehicles involved. These accidents typically occur in high-traffic areas, such as an interstate, and may be caused by a single or two-car collision. There could be inclement weather present. This type of accident necessitates a comprehensive investigation to determine fault.

Not all accidents involve multiple vehicles. Single-vehicle crashes, in which a vehicle leaves the roadway for whatever reason, account for approximately 20 percent of all traffic accidents and kill approximately 8,000 people annually in the United States.


When two traffics, each weighing several thousand pounds, collide, virtually every imaginable injury can occur. Some of these injuries, including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and broken bones, can cause lifelong difficulties.

  • Internal hemorrhage
  • Burns • Limb amputation
  • Psychological distress

Even if you do not feel injured, seek medical attention immediately if you have been injured in an accident. Many accidents result in delayed symptoms that can worsen rapidly within hours or even days.


If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s carelessness, you likely have many questions. Should I file a lawsuit? is one of the most pressing concerns. The answer to this question depends on the specifics of the situation.

Prior to speaking with any insurance companies about your claim, it may be preferable to consult with an attorney who has experience handling traffic accident cases. A personal injury attorney can explain who is liable for your accident and how much compensation you should seek through an insurance claim. A lawyer can also assist you with the claims process and negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company. Your traffic accident attorney can also provide guidance if the at-fault party lacked bodily injury liability coverage, if there were multiple liable parties, if you shared liability, or if your expenses exceed the insured’s policy limits.

A lawsuit may be filed if the insurance company fails to offer a fair settlement or if your damages exceed the policy limits. California permits traffic accident victims to seek compensation for the following expenses:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages, loss of future earning capacity and/or loss of job opportunities
  • Loss of Earning Capacity
  • Los of enjoyment of life
  • The cost of at-home care
  • The cost of household tasks that you’re no longer able to perform due to your injury
  • The cost to repair or replace your property damaged in the accident
  • Loss of consortium, which refers to how your relationship with your spouse or specifically, this loss involves the disruption of your normal marital relationship with your spouse.
  • Physical suffering and pain
  • Emotional distress
  • Permanent disability

In California, the majority of personal injury lawsuits must be filed within two years of the accident date. However, your attorney will inform you of any exceptions applicable to your case.

Personal injury claims, whether settled with an insurance provider or decided by a jury, are typically time-consuming. You should be wary of an insurance company’s quick settlement offer, as it frequently does not account for your maximum medical improvement or prognosis for the future. If a lawsuit is filed, the process may take even longer due to courthouse caseloads and other factors, such as:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • Legal and factual difficulties encountered in your case
  • The amount of damages you are seeking

The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates is more concerned with obtaining the compensation you require for the damages you’ve sustained, even if that means going to court. Before agreeing to represent a client, we examine every case in detail and use our extensive legal experience to establish a case value that will provide the client with sufficient funds to cover all future transportation costs and the psychological costs that an accident brings.


For a free, no-obligation consultation and review of your case, please contact us online or by dialing 800-816-1515. Our California personal injury attorneys are prepared to hear your case.

We wish to learn more about you and the impact of your injuries on your life. If we believe you have a strong case and you’re comfortable hiring us, we’re prepared to immediately begin seeking compensation on your behalf.

Injured in a collision? Obtain a true trial attorney. Get Norman

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The Law offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates has almost 3 decades of experience handling personal injury cases all over the state of California. We have handled thousands of cases and obtained millions of dollars in settlements and judgments for our clients. Call now for a no pressure free consultation with an actual attorney. 800-816-1529 extension 1.

You may download our California Accident App for iTunes and Android by going to our California Accident App page by clicking here. The app will enable you to record all information related to your traffic accident and transmit it to our office.

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