Why medical care is essential to your California Personal Injury Claim

The nature and extent of your injuries, and the amount of your medical bills are directly proportional to the amount of compensation you can anticipate to receive in your California Personal Injury case. For a case status or to refer a new case to us call us now at 800-816-1529.

Why medical care is essential to your California Personal Injury Claim
  • If you have a Personal Injury case in the state of California, you should immediately stop reading and call our law firm at (800) 816-1529 Ext. 1 for a free telephone consultation. We will let you know over the phone what we think about your case.
  • If we believe we can be of assistance to you and you decide to retain our services, we will send you the necessary documents to retain our law firm by email.
  • If you do not have health insurance or a primary care physician, we can immediately refer you to a qualified doctor in your area for medical care.
  • Yes, all of this can be accomplished with a single phone call to our law firm. (Yes, even if you do not have medical insurance.) We make every effort to simplify the process for you.

Why medical care is essential to your California Personal Injury Claim

The impact of your medical treatment on your case

The nature and extent of your injuries, the type of medical treatment you receive, and the amount of your medical bills are directly proportional to the amount of compensation you can anticipate to receive in your California Personal Injury case.

The nature and extent of your medical care are indicative of the severity of your injuries.

In general, the client who receives $1,500.00 in medical treatment in a few visits to the doctor will not receive the same settlement as the client who receives $5,000.00 in medical treatment over many visits to the doctor.

If you lack health insurance, we can refer you to doctors in California who will treat you for no money up front. They are paid upon conclusion of the case. Contact The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez at 800-816-1558 for more information.

The majority of insurance companies classify injuries as minimal, slight, moderate, or severe. A minimal injury is one for which the client requires less than $1,000 in medical treatment. A client with a minor injury incurs between $1,000 and $3,000 in medical expenses. A client with medical expenses between $3,000 and $5,000 is considered to be moderately injured. Medical expenses exceeding $5,000 indicate a severe injury.

Utilize the following guidelines as a guide for your medical care.

Follow your physician’s orders

Accept the type and quantity of medical treatment prescribed by your doctor. Some types of treatment may initially appear ineffective. Frequently, the doctor will alter the type of treatment for improved results. Any questions regarding the continuation of medical treatment should be directed to the physician.

Do not minimize your complaints.

Each time you visit your doctor, you should inform him or her of the following: 1. The location of your pain; 2. The intensity of the pain (mild, moderate, or severe); 3. What you cannot do (disability); and 4. What you do to alleviate the pain.

If you are experiencing pain, do not tell your doctor that you are “feeling fine.” The doctor cannot assist you if you do not communicate your symptoms. Do not expect the insurance company to cover your pain if you report feeling well.

Take Action Regarding Your Pain

The insurance company has a very straightforward policy. The rule states, “If your complaint is important enough to warrant a doctor’s visit, it is important enough to warrant compensation.” In other words, the absence of medical treatment (according to insurance companies) indicates that you must not be that injured! If you are in pain, you must appear to be making an effort to recover (mitigating damages). That means seeking medical assistance. If the physician releases you from therapy and you continue to experience pain, please return to the physician or let us know.

You are the most aware of your emotions than anyone else. Immediately return to the doctor if you are still experiencing pain. If you wait a year to return to the doctor, it will appear to the insurance companies that you “must have sustained a new injury” or that you are exaggerating your injuries. Utilize common sense; if your injuries are causing you pain, see a doctor!

Do not miss scheduled doctor’s visits.

It is crucial that you attend all of your doctor’s appointments. There is a reason you have scheduled doctor’s appointments, and that is so you can recover more quickly. If you miss therapy appointments for your injury, it will take longer for you to recover, and it will look bad on your record. We are aware that some clients miss doctor’s appointments due to physical discomfort. You should tell the doctor so that you can recover more quickly.

In a personal injury case, a large gap in medical care is always detrimental to the plaintiff’s case. The insurance company believes that if you were truly injured, you would not have missed a doctor’s appointment.

Make sure you attend all of your scheduled doctor’s appointments.

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Get Help Now

The Law offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates has almost 3 decades of experience handling personal injury cases all over the state of California. We have handled thousands of cases and obtained millions of dollars in settlements and judgments for our clients. Call now for a no pressure free consultation with an actual attorney. 800-816-1529 extension 1. 

You can download our California Accident App for iOS and Android by clicking here and visiting our California Accident App page. This application will allow you to record and transmit all information related to your California Injury accident case to our office.

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Get medical treatment with no insurance Law Office of Norman Gregory FernandezGet Medical Treatment even if you do not have Medical Insurance

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