Aviation Injury Accident Attorney California
Injuries resulting from aviation accidents can occur in both commercial and private aircraft. Passengers and individuals on the ground can be victims of aircraft accidents. It is essential to hire an experienced firm. We can be reached at 800-816-1529.

Accidents involving aircraft can and do result in fatalities and horrific injuries. If you or a member of your family has been injured, it is imperative that you retain a personal injury attorney from our firm..
Important General Data Regarding Your Aircraft Crash Claim
- If you have already been involved in a California aircraft accident, you should immediately stop reading and contact our law firm at (800) 816-1529 Ext. 1 for a free telephone consultation. If we believe you have a case and can assist you, we will let you know over the phone.
- If we believe we can be of assistance to you and you decide to retain our services, we can electronically sign you up using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
- If you do not have health insurance or a primary care physician, we can refer you immediately to a qualified doctor in your area. (Yes, even without medical insurance)
- Yes, this can all be done with a single phone call to our law firm. Every effort is made to simplify the process for you.
Attorney for Aviation Accidents in California
Despite aviation’s reputation as one of the safest modes of transportation, accidents do occur, and when they do, the consequences are frequently severe or fatal. At The Law Office of Norman Gregory Fernandez, we represent California aviation accident victims and their families with exceptional skill.
With an exceptional track record in aviation litigation, our attorneys have the industry knowledge and experience necessary to guide clients through even the most complex cases.
Why You Need a Lawyer After a Plane Crash
Aviation is one of the nation’s most highly regulated and specialized industries. They require an immediate investigation and knowledge of state, federal, and international laws in the event of a disaster.
These intricate legal matters should be handled expeditiously by a personal injury law firm with the necessary experience. As with all personal injury cases, crucial physical evidence may be lost within the first week, and witnesses may be difficult to locate or forget key details.
Having legal counsel will also prevent you from interacting with the airline’s insurance company or corporate attorneys. Assuring that you have someone on your side working diligently to help you recover from your injuries and recover from any losses and damages you have sustained.
Why Choose Our Law Firm?
We have litigated aviation cases for over 50 years at The Law Office of Norman Gregory Fernandez, giving us first-hand knowledge of what it takes to pursue these types of claims. We have recovered billions of dollars in compensation for injured clients and their families, and we will work tirelessly to ensure you are compensated fairly and in full.
Our attorneys are familiar with working with government agencies, such as the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), that investigate aviation accidents, in order to gain access to any evidence they have, such as:
- Flight preparations
- Voice recording devices in the cockpit
- Documents from the air traffic tower
- Reports on aircraft inspection and maintenance
- Photographs and videos of the mishap
- Training documents for pilots and crew
- Documentation from the aircraft manufacturer regarding design and testing
In addition, we have the means to assemble an independent team of experts capable of reconstructing and analyzing the incident. To determine which parties can be held responsible for your injuries and to uncover any evidence of negligence that authorities may have overlooked.
We have represented clients in California aviation cases involving large and small aircraft, pilot training, chartered flights, banner towing operations, air races, helicopters, parachutes, and gliders, among others. Piloting, airline operations, and weather and traffic control all necessitate a comprehensive understanding of aviation technicalities.
Frequent Reasons for Aviation Accidents
Aviation accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, but the following are among the most common:
- Pilot Error: approximately fifty percent of all plane crashes are caused by pilot error, making it the leading cause of aviation accidents. There are dozens of gauges and readouts that must be monitored, making the pilot’s job extremely complex and challenging. Any miscalculation or misreading can result in a catastrophic accident. Other examples of pilot error include failing to comply with FAA regulations, such as logging an excessive number of flight hours, falling asleep during flight, or being under the influence of drugs.
- Air Traffic Controller Error: when an aircraft is in operation, the pilot relies on ground control for critical information such as weather, fuel, and takeoff and landing scheduling. An accident may occur if either of them fails to communicate or if the air traffic controller provides incorrect information.
- Mechanical Defect or Failure: A mechanical defect or failure of any of the hundreds of separate systems that comprise an airplane can result in a hazardous situation. This may be the result of a defective design, a manufacturing defect, improper maintenance, or poor maintenance.
- Weather: flying in extreme weather conditions increases the likelihood of an accident. Low visibility conditions, such as fog or snow, or strong winds can make it difficult for pilots to maneuver aircraft.
- Other Causes: any other cause of aviation accidents, such as inadequate runway maintenance, sabotage (hijacking), and birds. Birds that are sucked into engines during takeoff can disable an aircraft and force the pilot to make an emergency landing or crash.
Who Can Be Held Responsible for an Aircraft Accident?
Several parties may be held liable for injuries or deaths resulting from an aviation accident, including the following:
All airlines have a responsibility to safeguard passengers. If a company fails to maintain an aircraft on a regular basis or properly screen its employees, for instance, they will be responsible for contributing to a serious and preventable crash.
Pilots have a responsibility to operate aircraft in a safe and reasonable manner. If they fail to fulfill this responsibility or lack the proper certifications for the aircraft they are flying, they may be held liable for any resulting accident.
- Other employees: emergency preparedness training is required for the flight crew. If an airline fails to ensure passenger safety in a hazardous in-flight situation, they may be liable for any resulting injuries.
- Maintenance and runway crews: these crews are responsible for loading and docking commercial aircraft, as well as maintenance and pre-flight safety inspections. If proper care is not taken, they may be held liable if a flight is compromised.
- Airports contribute to passenger safety as well. They may be held liable if, for instance, they fail to properly screen passengers for security or arrange safe transfers between the aircraft and terminal.
- Air traffic control and the FAA: if a communication error results in an accident. For instance, by failing to clear a runway, mistiming takeoffs and landings, sending a plane into occupied air space, or failing to account for hazardous weather conditions.
- Aircraft manufacturers may be liable for accidents caused by faulty components or a poorly designed aircraft. For instance, they may have added features without testing them or neglected to conduct a final inspection.
Depending on the circumstances of the incident, various parties may be held liable. Personal injury and wrongful death claims arising from aviation accidents are typically based on two distinct theories: negligence and product liability.
An injured passenger or their family member must be able to show that the defendant failed to provide the care that a reasonable person in similar circumstances would have provided, and as a result, they were injured. Following an accident, airline companies, pilots, maintenance crews, other employees, air traffic control, and airports are frequently sued for negligence.
Product Liability
Under this theory, manufacturers or sellers of defective parts may be held legally liable if one of their products causes injury or death to a third party.
In some instances, there may be multiple liable parties, further complicating the situation.
We are Devoted to Our Customers
If you or a member of your family was injured or killed in a California aviation accident, please contact The Law Office of Norman Gregory Fernandez. We will fight for the compensation you deserve, rather than accepting a likely quick and unfair settlement from an airline’s insurance company.
Call 800-816-1529 or send us a message online to arrange a free consultation.

Get Help Now
The Law offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates has almost 3 decades ofs experience handling personal injury cases all over the state of California. We have handled thousands of cases and obtained millions of dollars in settlements and judgments for our clients. Call now for a no pressure free consultation with an actual attorney. 800-816-1529 extension 1.
You may download our California Accident App for iTunes and Android by going to our California Accident App page by clicking here. The app will enable you to record all information related to your aviation injury accident and transmit it to our office.
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Get Medical Treatment even if you do not have Medical Insurance
In most cases we can help you get medical treatment for your California Personal Injury case even if you do not have medical insurance. Call us now for information at 800-816-1529.
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